June 6, 2012 – I’m not the sort of person who needs a pat on the back to know if I’ve done something well or not. But it is always nice to hear that you’ve done well at something, isn’t it?
I had my Personal Performance Review today, and it went well. It’s the first time I’ve ever had such a review. I’ve taken on a lot without a great deal of guidance, but I wasn’t apprehensive about the review since I felt that I have done well, and I have fairly good lines of communication with my manager. So it was nice to hear that he, and those above him, are committed to getting me in on more than term and want to hold on to me. I was also encouraged to think about management and to start thinking about the steps to move that way. That one requires a bit more thinking on my part, I’m rather happy working at the hands-on level and feel that I have so much more to learn and do here.
I just noticed that my manager wrote that I have the people and organizational skills to move to a higher level, should I choose to do so. I’m trying to think if I’ve EVER worked somewhere that my organizational skills haven’t been commented on. I’m a bit of a freak that way.
Time will tell, but for now it was nice to receive the positive feedback, although I also would have appreciated some criticisms, because there is always room for improvement.
it’s because you are so AWESOME don’t you know 🙂 But let’s talk over a beer before you dive deep into management…
LOL! Hardly. But he also commented on…wait for it…my organizational skills. Now there’s a shock! I’m a freak! And I’m not heading for management any time soon, too much fun working with the fish and the people who work with the fish.
And you owe me a longer get together than that one last week!!
yes i know, poor planning on my part. And you must get tired of hearing the O word, but you is what you is, and it’s a good skill to have!
I suppose 😉
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