Have you ever been so absolutely taken by a marketing scheme that you thought was not only funny, but downright brilliant? If you are Canadian you will recognize this. If you aren’t Canadian, you will have missed out on this little nugget or marketing ingenuity.
A few years ago a marketing intern with Post Foods Canada was thinking about advertising ideas, and this is what the result was (YouTube Video – Rory Sutherland-Shreddies). I’ve posted the entire TED video that the clip comes from, but it again serves to highlight that often times we just need to be shown that there is intrinsic value in what we already have instead of always chasing some new, intangible, “better” thing.
(It was late, I was tired, this was all I could manage.)
Happy Friday and weekend! Paige
Happy Friday and weekend! Paige
Thank you for posting your great close-up to the @Macromavens group
Thank you for posting your great close-up to the @Macromavens group
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