A metaphor. Threads weave us together, they bind things, but they can break. The needle that works the thread can help tie things together, or it can prick, cause a wound, and tangle everything up. Some threads are stronger than others, but they don’t try to be something they are not. They don’t try to reinvent themselves, or intrude where they aren’t welcome. They don’t try to take over. They don’t present themselves as one thing and then change and portray themselves as another. Strong threads are supportive, they are real, and they are understanding of their presence and actions in your evolving tapestry. They don’t belittle you with their selfish needs to take over and push you out in the process. Threads loop back and lead off in different directions, and they often come back together, but sometimes that’s not a positive thing.
It’s just a photo. And yes, I’m still pissed off at myself for allowing someone to overwhelm me and take something important away from me in the process. It’s frustrating to have been slowly learning something new, then introduce it to someone who already has a dozen other sports and associated communities that they are heavily involved with, only to then have them dive headlong into the one you are cautiously exploring, flail around to do everything in a frenzy, and more or less ruin where you thought you were heading. Then again some people have a need to do things as the highest speed possible and mow everyone down in the process as they blow through. They think they are being positive and supportive when really they are being patronizing and manage to marginalize others in the process. Intensity starts out seeming like a good thing, but eventually it makes people uncomfortable and drives them away. And they don’t understand what they have done, they are blind to their own character and place the blame on everyone else for not meeting their expectations. I have a tendency to let people back into my life that I shouldn’t for various reasons. I just don’t have the patience for high maintenance people anymore, they are too self centred and that doesn’t really make for solid friendships, because those types are really just out for themselves and if you get in the way it may be fun for awhile, but eventually you get used, like a needle and thread to sew up their desires. And as long as their needs are met, yours are inconsequential.
And by the way, I am really useless at hand sewing. That’s why Kirk always sews my buttons back on for me.
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