119/365 (April 29, 2011) – I call myself an observant person. Sometimes (jokingly) even a “trained observer” because of all the time in a Science lab. That’s what researchers do, they set up an experiment, then take measurements and observe the results of the test.
But in my defence here, I did not know that I was supposed to be observing something.
Now any woman will tell you that her husband is generally NOT observant. They never notice that you had your hair done, they never notice that you added a new plant. But here is where I must admit to my shame, that the issue of lack of observation spans both genders.
Awhile back I went out of town for a few days. When I came home I was tired and Kirk and I sat down to watch a bit of TV, have a glass of wine, and relax. A few days went by and he finally threw those words in my face. “Don’t you notice anything different?”
Uh oh.
I did not, and he jumped for joy and announced “Well then, they get to stay, you can’t tell me that they have to go”
I asked him to tell me what he was talking about and he pointed to a slender pair of speakers, about four feet high and one foot wide, flanking the large Mexican armoire that is our entertainment system.
Blind or what?
But they blended in so well, not obtrusive at all, and I was tired, and, and, and.
Oh shut up Paige, let him gloat, occasionally women miss things too.
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