We thought we would awaken to the pealing of church bells, but it stayed quiet. The quay began to come alive at around 8 am. A taxi boat next to us started up and pulled out after a bit. And something deep and powerful passed off our bow….I stuck my head out for a look and saw a Hellenic Coast Guard vessel…head retreats back in….. we remember our last encounter with the Hellenic Coast Guard four years ago. I think their first training involves frowning. We have yet to encounter one in any office who smiles.
We need to find a store where we can buy a phone card so we can make a couple of Mother’s Day calls. But it’s still not Mother’s Day back home yet…so we’ll do that tonight I suppose.
There are some minor deficiencies that we have discovered on this boat. There is no flipper…fried eggs would be challenging so we are opting for French toast this morning instead.
The teak on the seats has been beautifully varnished…and it is as deadly as can be. When the morning dew is on it, or if you hit it with wet feet….look out! Kirk says he sees a groin injury coming at some point. We are extremely cautious when moving about on it.
The morning clouds have burned off and I think it will be another scorcher here today…. I try to connect to the free wifi again… I can see it…I just can’t seem to get the range. I walk up and down the quay trying to figure out if there is a bench somewhere in range, but am unsuccessful. To the left end of the quay I get nothing, to the right I pick up four more hotspots but they are all secured. It appears that the only free hotspot is in the town square and we will have to go buy a coffee to get close to it and upload again.
I love listening to the goings on. The Greeks are so passionate when they speak and boy, do you know when someone is angry at someone else! The whole neighbourhood knows!
Not much on the plans today, we think we may rent a pair of scooters and tour the island. The books indicate a great view somewhere on the West side for sunsets.
THANK YOU FOR MOTHERS DAY CALL. I went out to Park Royal and met Lorraine. I think the babies are getting spoiled. Good thing they can’t see you with other cats. Have had a few challenges I have worked them out. Love the two of you –can see your in beautiful areas and are enjoying! MILO IS LOOKING ME IN THE FACE ,HE IS IN FRONT OF COMPUTOR SCREEN SO I CAN’T MISS HIM.
For gods, sake, post a picture of your boat. And of yourselves.
LOL @ Rae’s comment! Yes a picture of your boat and of yourselves would be nice!
Let me take that back…a picture of the whole boat and one or two of you Paige would be nice! 🙂
Hey Charlotte….glad to hear that Milo is training you 😉 Usually that is Loki’s position though.
Rae – Fine….you asked for it…you’ll get it…..!!! Ditto for you Marne…they are coming…soon…..
I love the colours in this shot. And those reflections on the bottom of the boat, just perfect!
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