Peaceful mornings in Lakka

by The Philosophical Fish

We woke up late this morning.

Small wonder since there is not a sound in the bay. We can hear an odd ticking noise and both look at each other wondering what it is. “Sounds like a clock” Kirk says…yes, but all we have is the digital. No, wait, there is an analog clock on the boat. When I get up I stand near it. Yes, this is what our sound is. It’s THAT quiet here.

Kirk nurses his three new bug bites. He’s useful to have around…much sweeter than me!!

We have some small fish milling about under the boat while I drink my morning tea. The waters are so clear and so blue and that means that there is very little productivity in them. Low productivity means not much at the bottom of the food chain and that snowballs upwards. Few fish, fewer larger predators. Once upon a time there were many dolphins, monk seals, turtles and other animals in these waters. But human impacts have left them damaged and those populations are dwindling. Widespread use of plastic bags and their irresponsible disposal leaving them floating in the waters. To a hungry turtle they appear to be jellyfish, their favourite food. They ingest them and their intestines are irrevocably clogged, leaving them to die slowly.

And yet humans cling to their use of these stupid inventions. We made do for thousands of years without plastic bags…why can’t we give up a little bit of convenience for the environment. When I grew up we used paper bags and they were recycled for garbage. Now we have just gotten to used to the “icky” factor and don’t like wet paper bags…so somehow killing turtles is acceptable. It’s too easy to look far away and see things happening and assume that we have no impact on far environments because we are not in them. All of us affect everything around us with our choices.

The morning is shattered by what sounds like a gunshot! Kirk thinks it must be a Hilti. This is not exactly hunting territory… there goes my morning muse.

The sun is making the dew on the dodger steam. I think this will be a very hot place later today. Time to finish up our morning caffeine and row ashore to go for a walk before it gets too hot.

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? ?????? ?????? ???? July 15, 2009 - 5:14 pm

I’ve been to Greece 5 times and it still leaves me breathless….

They also added this photo to their favourites

L.Jet July 23, 2009 - 8:29 am

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kmw1018 July 25, 2009 - 2:49 pm

Please consider posting this into our group…
Greece and the Greek Islands
Greece and the Greek Islands

Juli Kanini May 15, 2012 - 12:42 pm

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