Leaving Sivota

by The Philosophical Fish

The battery bleeped at us last night so we decided that the best way to conserve battery power is to alternate shower days. That sump pump probably really draws current. We will start the boat in the morning and shower while it is running. That way we get hot water AND power while we appreciate it the most.

As in the Cyclades, there are few places that you can hook up. In fact you need to assume that you will not have electricity anywhere and that water may or may not be available. Conservation is key. Lights stay off unless needed (we have our little LED lantern with us) and we enjoy the sounds of the birds and the people in the town and on the Quay rather than turn on a stereo. It’s much more peaceful.

Today is gorgeous, so far. Not a cloud in the sky anywhere near us, and it’s already heating up. The breeze hasn’t yet come up and the water is barely rippled in the harbour.

Kirk received his first bug bite….Oh the horror!! 😉

Today’s plan is to head to Voulta Bay near Parga and drop anchor. While we only intend to stay for lunch, if it looks inviting perhaps we may stay the night and move on to Paxos tomorrow. The distances are not far. Either way, I would guess that we will be off the grid for a day or two.

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