Choices, choices…..

by The Philosophical Fish

In our recent election we had a number of choices (four majors), but really only two contenders. Couple that with the fact that almost half the eligible voters abstained (What is WRONG with you people!?!). Neither presented a particularly great option, and unfortunately the ones who lost had a great idea that was pitched badly and vilified and ridiculed by the others. But do Canadians get into the whole popularity thing? Maybe, but certainly not compared to the election playing out to the South of us. They only have two choices, but each comes along with some extra baggage, it’s a package deal.

A recent newspaper article likened the US election to an American Idol competition and I can’t say I disagree. But from up here the choice seems obvious. The Obama camp doesn’t even have to really spend any effort slandering the McCain crowd…all they need to do is let Sarah open her mouth.

Not a difficult choice. The question is, will the voters actually do what they say in the polls or did many of them lie and they really still harbour the race issue?