Taking the Plunge

by The Philosophical Fish

OK, I’ve done it. I ordered a Mac! Now I am impatiently awaiting its arrival and frantically trying to find replacement software for a few programs. I think I have it mostly ironed out, I guess I’ll find out when it arrives finally. Probably the funniest thing is that everyone who finds out I am switching says one of two things:

#1. – WHY! (Those would be the PC users)…or

#2. – Welcome to the light! (Those would be the Mac users)

It’s like you have joined some weird little club. Let’s see if I become like one of those reformed smokers….


Jennifer September 28, 2008 - 3:32 am

I’ll be curious to see how you feel about the Mac. My daughter is a junior in high school… starting to think about college. I got the older one a laptop when she graduated… I suppose I’ll do the same for the younger… The younger is quite artistic and really in to music and such. Most art types seem to prefer the Mac.

P.S. I used one of your Flickr photos on my blog… hope you don’t mind!

The Philosophical Fish September 29, 2008 - 10:39 am

LOVE it! I’m a long time computer nerd, there isn’t anything inside a PC I haven’t changed or tweaked but Windows finally drove me over the edge. I decided that I was going to kick the habit finally. Macs and PC’s have become closer and closer in compatibility over the years, enough so that there aren’t many issues anymore. True, I have a few things that I can’t get to run on the Mac OS, but for the most part I have found replacements or alternatives.

I don’t regret the choice at all!

As for the creativity side, yes, Macs have always been the primary choice for the graphic and audio arts. My husband works in sound and recently came back from a conference in Denver. Pretty much everything for the home theatre work he is getting into is based on Mac.

The really neat thing? It just works! I can only say that half the time for Windows based machines. Alas, I am stuck with my Vista laptop for awhile longer….

As for the photo…saw that, no worries. Thanks for letting me know.


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