For the past several mornings, at 6:28 am, a soft beeping emanates from an, as yet, unknown location in my apartment. It lasts for approximately 10 seconds…which has yet to be enough time to find the source.We came back from a short trip over the Easter weekend…so I tore apart all the luggage this morning, nothing.
I had almost convinced myself that my brother was playing a cruel joke since I hadn’t brought anything back, to my knowledge, that would have an alarm in it.
I thought maybe my watch had been bumped into an alarm mode…it was buried in my purse…certainly would have dampened the sound. No such luck, no alarm symbol turned on….next…
Did Sarah hide something in the apartment as an early April Fool’s joke while she was looking after the cats?
My cameras don’t have alarms, although it almost sounded like the alarm that speeds up just before a picture is taken…
Did the cats, somehow, turn something on in their crazy play?
The mystery deepens…..